Why Elope? Are you getting married but don't want the big wedding fuss?

So many people now days are looking to elope. I love it!! It's finally becoming a THING!! Lets be real... you are probably just planning a wedding for the first time, and have really no idea what is out there, what is possible etc...that is what I am here for! I want to educate you on why I prefer elopements over a wedding any day for you.First, the bigger the wedding is the more the stress. The more peeps, the more opinions.. the more everything there is. Think about it like this, would you rather honeymoon with friends, or alone so you and your significant other can have ALL the time alone. It's the same idea. I know so many are not educated here and don't really have the idea yet of what is best. But if you are the low key type and just want to focus your budget on your dress, hair and makeup, florals and ceremony décor and let me photograph it.. this is the path for you!!! An elopement might not be for the bride who had childhood dreams of a big elaborate wedding, but I just wanted to post a blog on this to see... see if possibly this resonates with you. Here are a few pointers on why I think eloping is a flipping AWESOME way to get married.

  • It's your day and solely focused on the two of you. How great is this?? You don't have to worry about your family inviting their bestie that you don't know, or your aunt you don't really talk to. Or those friends that you feel obligated to put on your guest list. Eloping allows you to really leave the stress at home. No having to worry about the perfect music playlist, seating chart, or wedding favors. If that mushy gushy crap sounds bleh to you, this might be for you. If it makes you sad, you may want to stay traditional. So read no further.
  • Let's talk more about the guest list. Not only do you have to feed them, they might also come with stress. Sometimes you get Aunt Sue bein a little diva or Uncle Bob demanding to take photos right in the isle in your photographers way, it can get a little messy. Also, you now don't have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings. Win win!! If the thought of no guest list made you feel relief, this might be for you and continue reading on.
  • Ohhh, lets mention the amount of money you will save... which means, you have more money for your favorite photographer (ahem), the best florals, your DREAM dress, and best rental crew to set up the scene!! The best makeup and hair and even video to share with everyone. If this thought makes your mind go at ease, eloping might be for you!
  • There is also the option to add video in order to share your wedding still. This is a thought!!!

Although I am willing to travel anywhere for you, I am located in Florida and often do local (but possibly a destination to you) weddings right here in Florida. So because of this, lets talk about a few of my favorite places to do your elopement and how.

  • First, I do recommend not thinking about skipping getting ready and I do want to mention to consider getting ready together. Imagine breaking that traditional rule and let your photographer creatively direct, but flow with your natural habitats. Meaning, you pick a bad ass air b&b to get ready at, I show up with all the ideas and nail the shots. Then we get ready, drive to the location and meet the officiant and maybe a few parents, get married then do your formals.
  • I don't only recommend a nice getting ready spot, but a great timeline for an elopement would be
    • 3pm-I arrive and take details of dress, accessories and some of location outside to capture the story
    • 330pm-you guys take a bath together sipping champagne, and I capture it
    • 4pm-you get each other dressed fully
    • 430pm-have a champagne poppin celebration before getting in the car to head to the ceremony
    • 445-5-travel to location
    • 5pm-ceremony with a pretty boho backdrop setup
    • 420pm-both parents take photos with you (or not) at ceremony site
    • 435-we head over to the pretty location for formals and you get a snack before photos
    • 450-begin formals shooting in several locations
    • 730- begin walking to get away car location
    • 740-do some sort of grand celebration exit photo. Maybe an artistic headlight night photo.
    • 750 to 8pm-end formals in get away limo with me taking pix of you in the car doing a toast
  • Who is an elopement for. I would say the free spirited that wants memories of spending your first day married with the love your life and not taking away from that with everyone else. How great is it you have all these options?!
  • Locations here in Florida would either be a field, an urban city location, a mansion, a museum or the beach!! Any would work and I love this kind of stuff, (will blog on locations more soon).

If this is something you are strongly considering but would love a phone chat or video chat to really get into the idea.. I am ready!! I would love to do these for you. I am here for ya!


Wedding planning and COVID-19